Script edited
AKADEMIK 2016/2017 |
Mata Kuliah |
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Basic English (English for Photography Business) |
Tingkat/Semester/ Kelas |
: |
Ii/5/A,B,C,D |
Dosen |
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Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd. |
Hari/Tanggal Waktu Tahun Akademik |
: : : |
Senin, 09-01-2021 08.00 – 09.30 WIB
2020/2021 |
Bobot Kredit |
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3 SKS |
Sifat Ujian |
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Open References |
Deliver your draft on: 1.
Related articles about
Photography as the grammar grappling skill testing subject 2.
Building 5W1H questions and answers taken
from the article 3.
Changing Sentences either
into Active of Passive Construction 4.
Listing verbal and nominal sentences from the article. 5. Identifying the sentences by the use
of tenses with
it’s pattern. 6.
the difficult vocabulary within the article 7.
the article into
Indonesia. 8.
Giving the reasons
why the author
uses the tenses |
1. Answer
Moments: A Beginner's Guide to Photography”
Photography is a powerful medium that allows us
to freeze moments in time and create lasting memories. Whether you're using a
professional camera or just your smartphone, here are some simple tips to help
you embark on your journey into the world of photography.
1. Understand Your Equipment
Before you start snapping pictures, take some
time to familiarize yourself with your camera or smartphone settings. Learn
about basic features such as focus, exposure, and white balance. Knowing how to
adjust these settings will greatly improve the quality of your photos.
2. Master Composition Techniques
Composition is key to creating visually appealing
photos. Experiment with the rule of thirds, leading lines, and framing to add
interest to your images. Don't be afraid to get creative and try different
angles to capture unique perspectives.
3. Pay Attention to Lighting
Good lighting can make or break a photograph.
When shooting outdoors, aim for the "golden hours" - early morning or
late afternoon - when the sunlight is softer and creates warm tones. If you're
indoors, position your subject near a window to make the most of natural light.
4. Focus on the Subject
Ensure your subject is the focal point of your
photo. Use the autofocus feature to sharpen your subject, and consider using a
wide aperture to create a pleasing background blur (bokeh). This technique
helps draw attention to your main subject.
5. Experiment with Editing Tools
Post-processing can enhance your photos and fix
minor imperfections. Experiment with basic editing tools like brightness,
contrast, and saturation. Many smartphones also come with built-in editing
apps, making it easy to refine your images on the go.
6. Tell a Story
Every photograph has a story to tell. Think about
the message or emotion you want to convey through your image. Pay attention to
details, and capture moments that evoke feelings or tell a narrative.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice
Photography is a skill that improves with
practice. Take your camera or smartphone with you wherever you go, and don't
hesitate to experiment with different subjects and styles. The more you shoot,
the more you'll learn about your own preferences and style.
Remember, there's no right or wrong way to enjoy
photography. It's a personal and creative journey that allows you to express
yourself and share your perspective with the world. So grab your camera,
explore your surroundings, and start capturing the beauty of the
world around you.
NO |
WH |
Sentence Building (Question and Answer) |
1 |
Who |
wrote this article? |
answer |
by the Press Release |
2 |
What |
is key to creating visually appealing photos? |
answer |
Composition |
3 |
Where |
is this text
written and created? |
answer |
text was written at the Google |
4 |
Why |
was this text
created? |
answer |
purpose of this article is
to make a beginner’s guide to photography |
5 |
When |
Good lighting can make or break a photograph? |
answer |
When shooting outdoors, aim for the
"golden hours" |
6 |
How |
How to be a good photographer? |
answer |
You can learn about photography in
youtube or read article about technic photography |
NO |
Active |
Passive |
1 |
Photography is a powerful
medium that allows us to freeze moments in time |
v |
2 |
Before you start snapping
pictures, take some time to familiarize yourself with your camera or smartphone settings. |
v |
3 |
Good lighting can make or break a photograph |
v |
4 |
Post-processing can enhance your photos and fix minor imperfections. |
v |
5 |
Composition is key to creating
visually appealing photos. |
v |
6 |
Ensure your subject is the
focal point of your photo. |
v |
7 |
This technique helps draw
attention to your main subject. |
v |
8 |
photograph has a story to tell. |
v |
9 |
Whether you're using a
professional camera or just your smartphone, here are some simple tips to
help you embark on your journey into the world of photography. |
v |
10 |
If you're indoors, position your subject
near a window to make the most of natural light.
v |
No |
sentences |
verbal |
Nominal |
1 |
Camera |
v |
2 |
Before you start snapping pictures, take some time to familiarize
yourself with your camera or
smartphone settings. |
v |
3 |
Composition is key to creating
visually appealing photos. |
v |
4 |
Good lighting can make or
break a photograph |
v |
5 |
Ensure your
subject is the focal point of your photo. |
v |
6 |
Photography is a powerful
medium |
v |
7 |
Post-processing can enhance
your photos and fix minor imperfections. |
v |
8 |
Every photograph has a story
to tell. |
v |
9 |
Take your camera or smartphone
with you wherever you go, and don't hesitate to experiment with different
subjects and styles. The more you shoot, the more you'll learn about your own
preferences and style. |
v |
10 |
Experiment with
basic editing tools like brightness, contrast, and saturation. |
v |
![]() |
• Present simple
Past simple
• Present progressive
Past progressive
• Present perfect simple
• Past perfect simple
• Present perfect progressive
• Past perfect progressive
No |
Vocabulary |
Pronoun Spelling |
Meaning |
01 |
Camera |
Cemera |
Kamera |
02 |
Good |
Gud |
Bagus |
03 |
Has |
Hes |
Memiliki |
04 |
Before |
Bifor |
Sebelum |
05 |
Article |
Artikel |
Artikel |
06 |
This |
Dis |
Ini |
07 |
Key |
Ki |
Kunci |
08 |
To |
Tu |
Untuk |
09 |
Take |
Tek |
Mengambil |
10 |
Freeze |
Friz |
Membekukan |
7. "Mengabadikan
Momen: Panduan Fotografi untuk Pemula" Fotografi adalah media ampuh yang
memungkinkan kita membekukan momen dalam waktu dan menciptakan kenangan abadi.
Baik Anda menggunakan kamera profesional atau sekadar ponsel pintar, berikut
beberapa tip sederhana untuk membantu Anda memulai perjalanan Anda ke dunia
fotografi. 1. Pahami Peralatan Anda Sebelum Anda mulai mengambil gambar,
luangkan waktu untuk membiasakan diri dengan pengaturan kamera atau ponsel
cerdas Anda. Pelajari tentang fitur dasar seperti fokus, eksposur, dan white
balance. Mengetahui cara menyesuaikan pengaturan ini akan sangat meningkatkan
kualitas foto Anda. 2. Menguasai Teknik Komposisi Komposisi adalah kunci untuk
menciptakan foto yang menarik secara visual. Bereksperimenlah dengan aturan
sepertiga, garis terdepan, dan pembingkaian untuk menambah daya tarik pada
gambar Anda. Jangan takut untuk berkreasi dan mencoba sudut berbeda untuk
menangkap perspektif unik. 3. Perhatikan pencahayaan Pencahayaan yang baik
dapat membuat atau menghancurkan sebuah foto. Apabila memotret di luar ruangan,
bidiklah "golden hour" - pagi atau sore hari - saat sinar matahari
lebih lembut dan menghasilkan warna-warna hangat. Jika Anda berada di dalam
ruangan, posisikan subjek Anda di dekat jendela untuk memaksimalkan cahaya
alami. 4. Fokus pada Subjek Pastikan subjek Anda adalah titik fokus foto Anda.
Gunakan fitur fokus otomatis untuk mempertajam subjek Anda, dan pertimbangkan
untuk menggunakan aperture lebar untuk menciptakan keburaman latar belakang
(bokeh) yang menyenangkan. Teknik ini membantu menarik perhatian ke subjek
utama Anda. 5. Bereksperimenlah dengan Alat Pengeditan Pasca-pemrosesan dapat
menyempurnakan foto Anda dan memperbaiki ketidaksempurnaan kecil.
Bereksperimenlah dengan alat pengeditan dasar seperti kecerahan, kontras, dan
Banyak ponsel
cerdas juga dilengkapi dengan aplikasi pengeditan bawaan, sehingga memudahkan
Anda menyempurnakan gambar saat bepergian. 6. Ceritakan Sebuah Kisah Setiap
foto memiliki cerita untuk diceritakan. Pikirkan tentang pesan atau emosi yang
ingin Anda sampaikan melalui gambar Anda. Perhatikan detailnya, dan abadikan
momen yang membangkitkan perasaan atau menceritakan sebuah narasi. 7. Latihan,
Latihan, Latihan Fotografi adalah keterampilan yang meningkat dengan latihan.
Bawalah kamera atau ponsel cerdas Anda ke mana pun Anda pergi, dan jangan ragu
bereksperimen dengan berbagai subjek dan gaya. Semakin banyak Anda memotret,
semakin banyak Anda belajar tentang preferensi dan gaya Anda sendiri. Ingat,
tidak ada cara yang benar atau salah dalam menikmati fotografi. Ini adalah
perjalanan pribadi dan kreatif yang memungkinkan Anda mengekspresikan diri dan
berbagi perspektif Anda dengan dunia. Jadi ambil kamera Anda, jelajahi
lingkungan sekitar Anda, dan mulailah mengabadikan keindahan dunia
di sekitar Anda.
8 .
Because the article tell about an information for beginner photographer
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